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Open and equipped to welcome visitors, five sites with remarkable wildlife that is protected and promoted, stretch out over an area of more than 200 hectares. They offer numerous walking paths for nature lovers and a chance to discover various ecosystems. Outings in these nature reserves are regularly organised by the Seine-et-Marne Environnement agency.
Accompanied by a specialised guide, you can observe dragonflies, butterflies, wild orchids, toads and spiders, according to your area of interest. To discover them without a guide, brochures are available at the Tourist Office and you’ll find information boards on the sites
Plaine de Sorques (The Plaine of Sorques)
Linking the banks of the Loing to Fontainebleau forest, this plain is formed of woods, meadows, swamps and ponds. There are two bird-watching platforms and “discovery” paths for walkers.
Where: Montigny-sur- Loing and Moret-Loing-et- Orvanne (Épisy).
Location: from the hamlet of Sorques in Montigny-sur-Loing, follow signs for Moret-Loing-et-
Orvanne (RD 104 road),
car park 200 metres from the Sorques crossroads.
Distance: blue path (access to the birdwatching platform): 1 km / 40 min, red path (around the plain of Sorques via the
banks of the Loing and Fontainebleau forest): 5 km / 2 hr
Natural environments: woods, man-made lakes, banks of the Loing.
Interesting for: plant, insect, bird and amphibian life
Marais d'Episy (The marsh of Episy)
Well-known in France, this marsh has been a magnet for botanists since the eighteenth century and is home to an amazing variety of flowers, herbs and mosses. It can be accessed via a raised passageway above the peat bog.
Where: Moret-Loing-et- Orvanne
Location: at the exit of Épisy towards La Genevraye (RD 40 road), car park on the left, entrance next to the sports field
Distance: round walk suitable for people with reduced mobility: 1 km
There is an additional 500-metre path to get to the observation platform
Natural environments: man-make lake, marsh.
Interesting for: remarkable natural environment, plant, insect, bird and amphibian life
Les Basses Godernes
This wooded area has a
round walking path by the
river, alongside a former
branch of the Seine. It is
an ideal spot for fishing
(licence required).
Where: Champagne-sur-Seine
Location: on the banks of the Seine, car parks on Rue de l’Aqueduc and Rue du Vieux Clos.
Distance: walk of around 2 km on the site (round walk around the pond 1.2 km).
Natural environments: pond, banks of the Seine, meadow, woods.
Interesting for: plant and bird life.
Prairie Clemenceau (The Clemenceau meadow)
This vast wetland located
by the river in Moret-sur-
Loing is opposite
the Grange Batelière, a
former property of the
family of the man known as “The Tiger”, Georges Clemenceau. It is home to many protected species.
Where: Moret-Loing-et-Orvanne
Location: from the Porte de Bourgogne, take Rue de l’Église, Rue de Grez, turn left onto Rue de Madame, and then take
the path before the bridge of the RD 606 road.
Distance: 1,4 km round walk
Natural environments: woods, banks of the Loing, meadow liable to flooding.
Interesting for: plant and insect life.
Tuf de La Celle (The Tuf quarry of La Celle)
This geological site of national importance, permanently open to the public, has surprising things to discover. You will find an educational trail with information displays that present the site’s paleontological richness.
Where: Vernou-La Celle-sur- Seine.
Location: from the RD39 road to La Celle, follow signs for the cemetery, next to which you will find a car park
Distance: 200 m round walk
Interesting for: geological features
Le Trou Canard
This site, overlooking
the Seine valley, brings
together remarkable
geological formations:
diaclases and tuff cascades along a small stream.
Ouvert to the public 24/7.
Where: Champagne-sur- Seine.
Location: D39 or rue des Poiriers
Interesting for: geological features
Site Prugnat - 18 allée Gustave Prugnat77250Moret-sur-loing
Phone :01 64 31 11 18
Email: contact@me77.fr
for outings in the Sensitive Natural Area of Basses Godernes in Champagne
Phone: 01 64 24 06 34
Email: contact@leloriot.org
Each spring, toads and other amphibians return to the pond where they were born.
However, they often have to cross roads on their journey, which is a risky business!
All of Moret Seine & Loing Tourist Office team is at your disposal.