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Picking and sale of local organic produce (fruit and lamb).
Opening times: Friday and Saturday afternoons, from 2 to 6 pm.
6 bis rue du fourchet, 77710 Nanteau-sur-Lunain
Phone: +33 (0)1 64 29 06 74
Email: fermedufourchet@orange.fr
Facebook: Ferme du Fourchet
“ Thomery chasselas” or “ Golden chasselas of Fontainebleau ” is a variety of table grape. This variety of vine produces large bunches with round grapes, which turn a golden colour when they ripen in September-October. The grapes are well-known for their sweet, tender flesh and thin skin. This variety, which earned the village’s reputation and wealth (see p.x of this guide to find out more) was introduced in Thomery in 1730. While it is still grown here, it is no longer commercially sold.
All of Moret Seine & Loing Tourist Office team is at your disposal.